
Self-Indulgent Poetry Post!

Hello, reader(s?)! Yes, I've been "busy," but I got an urge yesterday to write some poetry, which I haven't done since my undergraduate years, and what with That Palin Woman crowing about her possibly mythical "gay friend" and being personally oppressed by the least debated/talked-about aspect of the lack of parity between marriage and domestic partnership (the lack of recognition of gay relationships for the purposes of immigration), and then Richard Lawson (aka: LolCait) of Gawker fame writes this devastatingly lyrical and beautiful personal recollection that also serves as a necessary, stinging indictment of the so-called tolerance the Palins of the world think they're spreading through the use of the word "choice" to couch their rhetoric of marginalization and condescension - well, I decided: it's time to write really embarassing poetry and put it on my blog. After all, what else is it here for?

Fibered Optics

Invisible: the border
between our faces shimmers,
liquid, crystalline as air,
as a drop of rain, pendulant,
quivering, suspended from
barbed wire.

Glassy, gilded,
guilt encrusts every
word as we attempt to
simulate the nearness every
word disproves as it travels
through fibers optic like
telescopes, like
microscopes, like
eyes, scaled and artificial:
you and I measured,
a scale of ones and
zeros, maximizable,
minimizable, but always
scaled down.

Eros: it makes my body
ache everywhere your hands
don’t touch, an inverted
sore, a scrambled
rose: it’s the softest part
that makes me bleed.

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